Sunday, November 6, 2011



Today fast and competitive life pattern has resulted to an increasing incidence of Parkinson    

disease among the youth living in urban area. Because of modernization and stressful urban life

with the maximum level of pollution , this disease is making its root among the aspiring section

of the society. This class of people is not able to spare a little time for their own self like

exercise, proper  and regular diet,  a sound sleep and little of meditation.

Once the person is taken over by Parkinson disease it becomes very late to take the preventive

measures. He has to be totally dependent upon a full time care taker and he avoids himself

socially. Now he starts developing psychiatric symptoms beside the existing ones.

Such patients of Parkinson disease are to be dealt with love and affection. it becomes our duty to

encourage and motivate such people to move  in the society. They should never be bullied .The

NGOs should come forward with the idea of establishing the clubs particularly for PD patients

where they can spend their time and intermingle with their brother PDs. If possible government

agencies should encourage these people to earn their livelihood by providing appropriate job so

that they will not feel themselves dependant.  This way we can increase their moral and self

esteem. This may further curtail the psychiatric symptoms also. They will not feel worthlessness.

By keeping themselves busy the patients may not get the progression of the disease at an

alarming rate.

If the patient and his family can afford, he should be encouraged for one of the various upcoming

options like DBS surgery.

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